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Rawski Marek (Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie)
Analiza wykorzystania przez przedsiębiorstwa strategii nakierowanych na konkurentów
Usage Analysis of Enterprises' Strategies Directed Toward Competitors
Organizacje Komercyjne i Niekomercyjne wobec Wzmożonej Konkurencji i Rosnących Wymagań Konsumentów, 2005, vol. 4, s. 168-179, tab., bibliogr. 12 poz.
Strategia konkurencji, Strategia marketingowa, Przewaga konkurencyjna
Competition strategy, Marketing strategy, Competitive advantage
Celem publikacji jest prezentacja wyników badań nad stosowanymi przez przedsiębiorstwa, prowadzącymi działalność na polskim rynku dóbr konsumpcyjnych, strategiami nakierowanymi na konkurentów. Bazę informacyjną formułowanych tez stanowią badania własne Autora, przeprowadzone w 1999 i 2003 roku. (fragment tekstu)

In the text there are presented the results of research on the strategies directed towards competitors used in companies performing on consumer goods market in Poland, The strategy towards competitors is the third marketing strategy component - it have to respect two other higher level strategies. That kind of strategy is recognised as a set of rules framing operational activities in enterprises, that shape their relations with competitors. Basic decisions requirements are: qualifying the main features of building superiority to competitors and creating the style of competing on the market. There are three strategies for building a competitive advantage over market rivals: cost leadership strategy, focus strategy, and differentiation strategy. According to research results in 1999 there were 36% of companies checked that conducted cots leadership strategy (31% in 2003), whereas differentiation strategy was used by 51% of companies (23% in 2003). One can list four kinds of competitive strategies styles: "careful challenger", "aggressive challenger", "stable leader", and "young leader". The research results show that all four kinds of strategies were used. The most commonly used was "stable leader" strategy - in 47% of companies in 1999 and 50% in 2003. The "Careful leader" strategy was conducted in 30% in 1999 as well as in 2003. The 'Young leader" strategy was present in 15% of companies in 1999 and in 12% of them in 2003. "The "Aggressive challenger" strategy was introduced in 7% of companies in years 1999 and 2003. (original abstract)
Full text
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