- Author
- Kwartnik-Pruc Anita (AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland), Śmiałowska-Uberman Zofia (AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland)
- Title
- Selected Evidence of Acquisition and Loss of Property Rights in Regulation of Property Legal Status
- Source
- Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 2011, nr 5/1, s. 73-84, bibliogr. 4 poz.
- Keyword
- Nieruchomości, Status prawny, Wywłaszczenie, Prawo
Real estate, Legal status, Expropriation, Law - Abstract
- Zgodnie z art. 113 ust. 6 ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami "nieruchomość o niejasnym statusie prawnym oznacza nieruchomość, dla której z powodu braku księgi wieczystej, zbioru dokumentów lub innych dokumentów nie można ustalić posiadacze praw majątkowych do niego."
Pursuant to article 113 section 6 of the Real Estate Management Act "a property with unclear legal status means the property, for which due to lack of land and mortgage register, a collection of documents or other documents, cannot be determined the holders of property rights to it." This provision relates to the issue of expropriation of property for public purposes, but is often subject to broad interpretation in the practice of administrative bodies. It is due to the fact that, in practice, situations concerning the legal status of properties which are subject to assessment of administrative bodies, including the surveying administration, in many cases do not apply directly to the statutory provisions. They create problems, which, in order to be solved, require clarification or interpretation. Some of these problems arise from ignorance of the effects of acquisition (loss) of derivative or primary ownership rights (Tab. 1), the required legal procedures and frequent regulatory changes (Tab. 2). Ownership documents of historical interest, such as property grant deeds from the period of agrarian reform and land ownership deeds, are often invoked in legal proceedings. In particular, land ownership deeds. However, in view of recent changes in laws (normative acts), the noteworthy documents include confirmation of acquisition of inheritance and certificate of succession deed, and particularly the relationship between the role of the court and notary public, as well as the decision to authorize the implementation of road investment.(fragment of text) - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
- Mizera S., Ramus W.: Ewidencja i gospodarka terenami. Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, Warszawa 1978.
- Skowroñska-Bocian E.: Prawo spadkowe. Wyd. 6, C.H. Beck, Kraków 2010.
- Śmiałowska-Uberman Z.: Kompendium wiedzy prawnej dla geodetów. Wyd. Gall, Katowice 2003.
- Woś T.: Wywłaszczanie i zwrot wywłaszczanych nieruchomości. Wyd. 2, Wydawnictwo Prawnicze LexisNexis, Warszawa 2004.
- Cited by
- 2300-7095
- Language
- eng