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Grzega Urszula (University of Economics in Katowice, Poland)
Macroeconomic Determinants of the Standard of Living : Theoretical Considerations
Optimum : Economic Studies, 2018, nr 2(92), s. 191-205, bibliogr. s. 203-205
Standard życia, Uwarunkowania makroekonomiczne
Standard of living, Macroeconomic conditions
JEL Classification: I31
The aim of this paper is to make reflections on the macroeconomic determinants of the standard of living. They serve as the presentation of selected issues in terms of their impact on the degree of satisfying the needs of the population. They lead to the conclusion that the standard of living is the result of the comprehensive impact of many determinants of diverse nature (both macro- and microeconomic). There are numerous cause-and-effect connections between these determinants, but it is assumed that economic macro-determinants have a primary character in comparison with other determinants. They shape the basic conditions of the functioning of consumption entities. Thus, they constitute a kind of economic background and starting point as regards meeting the needs of particular groups and the standard of living in general. Although their influence is significant, it is also defined as indirect, deferred in time, and difficult to measure. (original abstract)
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