- Author
- Stach Przemysław (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Tarnowie)
- Title
- Key Account Management i Relationship Marketing - alternatywne podejścia czy uzupełniające się koncepcje?
Relationship Marketing and Key Account Management: Alternatives or Complementary Approaches - Source
- Organizacje Komercyjne i Niekomercyjne wobec Wzmożonej Konkurencji i Rosnących Wymagań Konsumentów, 2003, vol. 2, s. 191-200, bibliogr. 19 poz.
- Keyword
- Marketing relacji, Relacje dostawca-odbiorca, Rynek instytucjonalny
Relationship marketing, Supplier-recipient relations, Business to Business (B2B) - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- W artykule przedstawiono zarys koncepcji Relationship Marketing oraz scharakteryzowano proces Key Account Management w zarządzaniu relacjami z odbiorcami. Omówiono kluczowe elementy i założenia obu koncepcji.
Key Account Management and Relationship Marketing undoubtedly stem from one approach called relationship approach. Although both concepts differ, they cannot be regarded as alternatives. Rather, they complement each other. What underlies and is the effort towards forming mutually beneficial, long-term profitable relationships. The mąjor difference lies in what each concept considers the aim of relationship effort. For it is the key account - strategically important customer, with whom many types of relationships may be created - both as a stop towards a mutual partnership or as an objective of the relationship. On the other hand, perceives partnership with its customers-advocates as its ultimate goal. all the steps of the ladder of loyalty beingjust the stages of the process.(original abstract) - Full text
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- Bibliography
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