- Author
- Czapliński Paweł (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Polska), Dzhaman Vasyl (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Kotsyubynsky 2)
- Title
- Problems of the Ukrainian Labor Market
- Source
- Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 2019, nr 9(4), s. 24-34, rys., tab.,bibliogr. 28 poz.
- Keyword
- Rynek pracy, Emigracja zarobkowa
Labour market, Economic emigration - Note
- summ.
- Company
- Unia Europejska (UE)
European Union (EU) - Country
- Ukraina
Ukraine - Abstract
- According to various sources, after 2014 there was a clear decline in GDP and the level of income in Ukraine, which, taking into account the interdependence between economic growth and the condition of the labor market, translated into significant difficulties in the structure of resources and the activity of the local workforce. The source of these difficulties turned out to be not only the price factor, but also non-price factors such as poor protection of employee rights, lack of social protection and social security, as well as payment gridlocks on the employer-employee line. This forced many Ukrainians to sometimes make dramatic decisions about economic emigration, mainly to European Union countries, including Poland. According to various estimates, there are currently 7 to 9 million Ukrainian citizens working abroad who contribute to the development of the economies of other countries. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian labor market is in a very difficult situation. Based on the analysis of official statistical data, an attempt was made to characterize the Ukrainian labor market, its main determinants were outlined and Ukrainians' attitudes towards changes on the domestic labor market were determined. The research used critical literature analysis, statistical description methods, spatial analysis methods and case study method. Based on the conducted analyzes, it was shown that in the years 2010-2017 the Ukrainian labor market was struggling with a number of unfavorable phenomena, which was significantly aggravated by the political crisis at the turn of 2013 and 2014.(original abstract)
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- Cited by
- 2451-2249
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.26881/jpgs.2019.4.03