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Och Jarosław (University of Gdańsk)
Specific Aspects of European and Polish Migrations at the Begging of the 21st Century
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 2019, nr 9(4), s. 58-66, rys., tab.,bibliogr. 36 poz.
Migracja ludności, Ludność
Population migration, Population
Europa, Polska
Europe, Poland
The text focuses on the migration in the European Union and in Poland at the begging of the 21st century. It aims to prove that even if the reasons and consequences of migration are varied, they have significantly shaped the development of human civilization and have been a part of human socialization. Furthermore, this text points out that the phenomena of globalization and democratization have affected the population movement and caused new patterns of contemporary migration. The European Union is a great example of cooperation between different countries in order to realize the principle of free population movement, which was put to the test over past years. Additionally, this article characterizes the Polish migration, especially the inflow of immigrants to Poland. Poland has become an emigration and an attractive immigration country. This text revels also the consequences of migration in modern Europe.(original abstract)
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