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Jílková Petra (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic), Králová Petra (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
E-Customer Behaviour and Cross Border Shopping Development
Open Economics, 2019, vol. 2, iss. 1, s. 109-123, tab., wykr., bibliogr. 31 poz.
Handel elektroniczny, Zakupy online, Klient, Zachowania klientów
e-commerce, Online shopping, Customer, Customer behaviour
JEL Classification: M31, O33, L86
The digitalisation of business processes, cultural backgrounds and consequences on behavioural differences make a direct impact on customer purchase behaviours across different markets. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of the economic situation in the selected countries regarding the e-commerce business. On the sample of the situation in the Czech Republic, the article presents the increasing potential of e-commerce and focuses not only on the statistics review but on the psychological aspects of online behaviour. Firstly, the paper presents a theoretical model for customer purchase behaviour and the development of the theory in correspondence with B2C e-commerce background. Secondly, this research analyses the main aspects of shopping behaviour in selected countries; the research shows the main characteristics of shopping and provides a better understanding of the impact of digitalisation. Finally, the paper confirmed the fact that the Czech e-commerce market is developed and has potential to grow nationally and internationally. The paper investigates online shopping for the period between 2010 - 2017. Finally, the authors discuss all the theoretical and practical implications of these results.(original abstract)
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