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Szromnik Andrzej (Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
Cultural Heritage Objects on the Market : Features, Conditions and Functioning Concepts
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, 2019, nr 3 (49), s. 35-52, rys., bibliogr. 41 poz.
Public Governance
Dziedzictwo kulturowe, Marketing, Turystyka kulturowa
Cultural heritage, Marketing, Cultural tourism
JEL Classification: H300, H440, L300, M380
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to present the conditions and possibilities of market reorientation of cultural heritage objects with respect to all the features of such objects including, inter alia, the historical, artistic and emotional values, forms of ownership, functions and previous market position. The author presents the main determinants and forms of "opening" the historical objects (antique properties) for existing and new markets through developing and widening the offering of services. Research Design & Methods: This paper introduces a concept and a model that rely on the author's original vision of diagnosing, shaping and implementing market restructuring for cultural heritage objects. From the methodological point of view the theoretical concepts of illustrating the gradual expansion of market relations between historical objects and their stakeholders rely on theoretical concepts of market, market economy, entrepreneurship and marketing management of NGO's. Findings: In market economy all organizations are included, at least to some extent, in a network of relationships and dependencies specific for the market and for the processes of exchanging values between partners. This also applies to the cultural sector and, within it, to various cultural heritage objects. The gradual reduction of financing of these objects by the State or regional budgets force the management of cultural objects to accept and apply a new functional philosophy - a philosophy of gradual expansion of its own market and increasing of additional financial revenues generated on this market. Implications / Recommendations: The author does not question the supreme, social and civilizing role of many historic buildings, but he also claims that orientation for additional market resources should be treated and perceived as recommended and even necessary. Contribution / Value Added: In the paper the process of market reorientation of cultural heritage objects has been introduced as a continuum - as a cycle of systematic changes, starting initially from traditional orientation for preservation and conservation and ending on the appropriate and final orientation for the market. (original abstract)
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