- Author
- Niedźwiedzińska Hanna (Technical University of Lodz, Poland), Kowalska Magdalena Klaudia (University of Lodz, Poland)
- Title
- Evaluation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Innovativeness of Enterprises from the TSL Sector in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
- Source
- Optimum : Economic Studies, 2020, nr 1(99), s. 34-47, tab., bibliogr. s. 46-47
- Keyword
- Innowacje, Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw, Sektor TSL, Wskaźniki makroekonomiczne
Innovations, Enterprise innovation, TSL sector, Macroeconomic indicators - Note
- JEL Classification: O12, O31, O32, F0
summ. - Country
- Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Central and Eastern Europe - Abstract
- Purpose - The main objective of the article is to assess the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the innovativeness of enterprises of the TSL sector in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2010-2016 with the forecast for 2017-2018. Research method - The paper has been divided into the theoretical and practical part. The first part is based on the subject literature and refers to the theoretical aspect of innovation and innovativeness of enterprises. The second part is empirical. Two synthetic indicators were created - a synthetic index of innovativeness of enterprises operating in the TSL sector and conducting their activities in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and a synthetic macroeconomic indicator of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Next, a forecast based on the extrapolation of the trend was made and the relationships between the analyzed synthetic indicators were examined using the Ordinary Least Squares Method. Results - Based on the research, it can be concluded that in Central and Eastern Europe there is a statistically significant relationship between the synthetic macroeconomic indicator and the synthetic indicator of the innovativeness of enterprises in the TSL sector. Originality - Evaluation of the impact of macroeconomic factors on the innovativeness of enterprises of the TSL sector in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice - Full text
- Show
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- Cited by
- 1506-7637
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.15290/oes.2019.04.99.03