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Brosz Maciej (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
A Pattern of Alcohol Consumption Among Marijuana Users in the Adult Population of the City of Gdańsk
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 2020, nr 10(1), s. 9-14, rys., bibliogr. 12 poz.
Konsumpcja, Konsumpcja alkoholu, Używki, Narkotyki
Consumption, Alcohol consumption, Substances, Drugs
Gdańsk, Polska
Gdansk, Poland
Alcohol and marijuana are the most commonly used psychoactive substances both in Europe and Poland. In the last four years the proportion of marijuana users in the adult population of Gdańsk has almost doubled: from 7.1% in 2015 to 14.1% in 2019. The surveys concerning the consumption of alcohol conducted every four years since 2007 indicate a significant fact: the proportion of people who drink is decreasing. However, this does not mean that they drink less or less often. A question elaborated in this article is whether marijuana users consume more or less alcohol than non-users. This article is based on the data collected in a questionnaire survey on alcohol and other psychoactive substance use conducted in Gdańsk in the autumn of 2019 on a representative sample of 1,004 adult residents of the city. (original abstract)
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