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Janke Daria (University of Gdansk, Poland)
Polish-Russian Relations after 10 April 2010
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 2020, nr 10(1), s. 42-49, tab., bibliogr. 49 poz.
Polityka zagraniczna, Polityka historyczna, Stosunki międzynarodowe
Foreign policy, Historical policy, International relations
Rosja, Smoleńsk, Polska
Russia, Poland
Polish-Russian relations are an extremely dynamic and changeable phenomenon, especially after Poland's accession to NATO. Despite the fact that the Russian Federation was established only in 1991, the relations discussed in this article have also been influenced by the relations between Poland and the Soviet Union, whose successor was Russia. The aim of this study is to analyse changes in the Polish-Russian relations after 2010. Not only does the paper present the causes of conflicts that have influenced mutual relations, but it also indicates areas that need changing and that may contribute to the warming of relations between Warsaw and Moscow. The method of comparative analysis was applied in the study. The conducted analysis allows stating a significant impact of the Smolensk disaster on the Polish-Russian relations. (original abstract)
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