- Author
- Stawowiak Michał (Silesian University of Technology), Żołnierz Marcel (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Rożenek Zenon (KAZ Serwis Sp. z o.o. Gliwice, Poland)
- Title
- Research on the Coefficient of Friction of Becorit K22 and K25SB Linings
- Source
- New Trends in Production Engineering, 2019, vol. 2(1) cz.II, s. 367-375, rys., tab., bibliogr. 12 poz.
- Issue title
- Part II: Selected Organizational Problems in the Mining Industry
- Keyword
- Maszyny i urządzenia, Górnictwo
Machinery and equipment, Mining sector - Note
- streszcz., summ.
- Abstract
- The article presents the method and results of experimental tests of the coefficient of friction between a steel rope and friction lining. The BECORIT K22 and BECORIT K25SB floor coverings were tested. The tests were carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the new German standard: DIN 21258 - Lubricants and impregnating agents for drive discs and transport ropes in mining - safety and testing requirements. The authors in this article emphasize that the Becorit K22 and K25SB linings are used for the wheels of propeller drums of mining machines. Characterized by high coefficients of friction (μ ≥ 0.25), also in cases of extreme weather conditions on the surface. The chemical properties of BECORIT linings ensure their resistance to swelling in the event of different oils and lubricants as well as mine waters. The material of which the claddings are made ensures very good machinability during rolling of rope grooves with the use of turning or milling tools. BECORIT K22 plastic cladding is particularly suitable for use in hoisting machines, where the rope base forms a large overlap angle on the wheel grooves (max 1°31'), which causes its lateral wear faster. BECORIT K22 material in this case provides a higher service life compared to other materials. Due to the way they are mounted on the wheel, they are made as 1-piece (monolith) or bipartite. In this article, moreover, the structure and principle of operation of the measuring station on which the tests were carried out are presented in great detail. (original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 2545-2843
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/ntpe-2019-0039