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Doleglo Leszek (Polish Mining Group Inc. - Head Office, Poland), Zdziebko Jan (Polish Mining Group Inc. - Head Office, Poland)
The Application of the Integrated Production Assets Management System in the Polish Mining Group Inc.
New Trends in Production Engineering, 2019, vol. 2(1) cz.II, s. 472-479, rys., tab., bibliogr. 8 poz.
Issue title
Part II: Selected Organizational Problems in the Mining Industry
Zarządzanie produkcją, Maszyny i urządzenia, Górnictwo, Systemy informatyczne
Production management, Machinery and equipment, Mining sector, Computer system
streszcz., summ.
Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A.
The management of the production assets in the Polish Mining Group Inc. is geared towards achieving strategic aims through the unification of the obtained machines/devices, their practical use while maintaining them in the proper technical condition, adhering to proper maintenance-renovation procedures, reserves optimization as well as final recycling with no re-use in the production cycle. The following paper presents the functioning of the IT support in the production assets management, geared towards the integration with other areas of technical and economic activities of the Group. The modular structure of the integrated IT system makes it possible to gradually implement the successive solutions functioning within the Group as well as in the surrounding local areas, ensuring the suitability to the current needs of the organization and the system users. (original abstract)
Full text
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