- Author
- Vuong Quan Hoang (Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam), La Viet Phuong (Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam), Vuong Thu Trang (Sciences Po, Paris, France), Hoang Phuong Hanh (Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam), Ho Manh Toan (Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam), Ho Manh Tung (Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam), Nguyen Hong Kong To (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan)
- Title
- Multi-Faceted Insights of Entrepreneurship Facing a Fast-Growing Economy: A Literature Review
- Source
- Open Economics, 2020, vol. 3, iss. 1, s. 25-41, rys., tab., bibliogr. 112 poz.
- Keyword
- Przedsiębiorczość, Przegląd literatury, Badania naukowe
Entrepreneurship, Literature review, Scientific research - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Wietnam
Vietnam - Abstract
- This study explores entrepreneurship research in Vietnam, a lower-middle-income country in Southeast Asia that has witnessed rapid economic growth since the 1990s but has nonetheless been absent in the relevant Western-centric literature. Using an exclusively developed software, the study presents a structured dataset on entrepreneurship research in Vietnam from 2008 to 2018, highlighting: low research output, low creativity level, inattention to entrepreneurship theories, and instead, a focus on practical business matters. The scholarship remains limited due to the detachment between the academic and entrepreneur communities. More important are the findings that Vietnamese research on entrepreneurship, still in its infancy, diverges significantly from those in developed and emerging economies in terms of their content and methods. These studies are contextualized to a large extent to reflect the concerns of a developing economy still burdened by the high financial and nonfinancial costs. (original abstract)
- Full text
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- http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/openec-2020-0002