- Author
- Tkáč Zdenko (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic), Halenár Marek (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic), Kosiba Ján (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic)
- Title
- Design and Modeling of an Experimental Hydraulic Device
- Source
- Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 63-68, rys., bibliogr. 21 poz.
- Keyword
- Maszyny i urządzenia
Machinery and equipment - Note
- streszcz., summ.
- Country
- Republika Słowacka
Slovak Republic - Abstract
- The design of the experimental laboratory device is based on the construction of the hydraulic circuits of mobile devices. It is possible to ensure the repeatability of the flow characteristic measurements at the laboratory. This means that in the operating test it is possible to verify the flow characteristics of the hydraulic pump and these results are not affected by the change in the physical properties of the applied liquid. By comparing of the flow characteristics directly on the work equipment (mini-excavator, etc.), the disadvantage is the need for dismantling the hydraulic pump and its mounting on the laboratory device. In some working device removal is not possible, where dismantling is structurally difficult or is time consuming, which increases the cost of their operation.The proposed experimental laboratory device serves to verify the flow characteristics of the hydraulic pump and is also designed to be universal, to test external gear hydraulic pump and hydraulic pump with inclined plate. (original abstract)
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- Cited by
- 2545-2827
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/mape-2018-0009