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Priyanka Kumari (Shivaji College University of Delhi, India)
Modelling Sensitive Issues a Successive Waves
Statistics in Transition, 2019, vol. 20, nr 1, s. 41-65, tab., rys., bibliogr. s. 63-65
Analiza wrażliwości, Statystyka ludności
Sensitivity analysis, Population statistics
This paper addresses the problem of estimation of population mean of sensitive character using non-sensitive auxiliary variable at current wave in two wave successive sampling. A general class of estimator is proposed and studied under randomized and scrambled response model. Many existing estimators have been modified to work for sensitive population mean estimation. The modified estimators became the members of proposed general class of estimators. The detail properties of all the estimators have been discussed. Their behaviour under randomized and scrambled response techniques have been elaborated. Numerical illustrations including simulation have been accompanied to judge the performance of different estimators.Finally suitable recommendations are forwarded. (original abstract)
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