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Kostrzewa Waldemar (Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland), Kałkowska Elwira (Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland), Nozdrzykowski Krzysztof (Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland)
Contemporary Computer Support Design Solutions for Industrial Infrastructure
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 443-449, rys., tab., bibliogr. 13 poz.
Systemy CAD, Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania, Przedsiębiorstwo przemysłowe, Proces produkcji
CAD systems, Computer aided design, Industrial enterprises, Production process
streszcz., summ.
This article is a proposition to use modern CAD (Computer Aided Design) solutions to design industrial infrastructure, and show many benefits of their practical use, avoiding numerously mistakes while the investment process, at the same time increasing the quality of created products during reducing the costs associated with their production. The paper proposes a method of stocktaking of the current state and methods of spatial layout analysis of planned investment using smart databases to configure the individual manufacture slots. The method of material flow analysis in the virtual model of the production line was presented, tools for the analysis of the production line were indicated, especially focused on collision identification, work schedule creation and parametric analysis of designed installations. (original abstract)
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