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Szczęśniak Bartosz (Silesian University of Technology, Poland)
Microtools Based on the Relational Data Model - Conformity Between Foreign and Primary Keys
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 491-497, rys., tab., bibliogr. 20 poz.
Arkusze kalkulacyjne, Bazy danych, Proces informacyjny, Procesy biznesowe
Spreadsheets, Databases, Information process, Business processes
streszcz., summ.
Tools which support and automate the execution of information processes may be created in a spreadsheet by following the author's signature concept of "Microtools Based on the Relational Data Model". While developing them, one must apply adequate solutions enabling representation of identified entities and ensuring data integrity as well as acquisition of the reports and collations assumed to be generated. This article addresses the problem of conformity between values of foreign keys in child entities and values of primary keys in parent entities. Four cases of relationships between a parent entity and a child entity have been discussed. One of the criteria that differentiates between these cases is the occurrence of a simple key or a composite key. Another applicable criterion is the sequence in which data are entered using the tool. With regard to all the identified cases, solutions that support data integrity have been presented and discussed. In accordance with the concept in question, the solutions proposed in the paper make use of standard spreadsheet features and components, without involving any additional code created in any programming language. (original abstract)
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