- Author
- Furman Joanna (Silesian University of Technology), Kuczyńska-Chałada Marzena (Silesian University of Technology), Poloczek Roksana (Silesian University of Technology)
- Title
- Improvement of Production Processes With the Use of Lean Manufacturing Tools
- Source
- Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 529-535, rys., tab., bibliogr. 13 poz.
- Keyword
- Doskonalenie organizacji, Odchudzanie produkcji
Organisation improving, Lean production - Note
- streszcz., summ.
- Abstract
- Growing competition, clients' requirements as well as advances in technology make modern industrial enterprises search for a way of achieving and maintaining strong position on the market. One of the principal and at the same time necessary conditions to achieve this aim is continuous development of all of the processes in order to fulfil various clients' expectations. Enterprises make use of different concepts and management methods which in significant way upgrade ongoing processes by raising their efficiency. One of such is the concept of 'lean' production - Lean Manufacturing. Management according to Lean Management rules allows to produce more with the use of less resources - at the same time approaching the aim which is to deliver clients the exact product they want. The process of resources use limitation is not easy to perform however, the concept of Lean Manufacturing by the application of chosen tools allows successfully and effectively to introduce 'lean' model of management in an enterprise and undertaking following improvement activities in every of its field. (original abstract)
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- Cited by
- 2545-2827
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/mape-2018-0067