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Stecuła Kinga (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Brodny Jarosław (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Chikhradze Mikheil (Georgian Technical University, Georgia)
Use of the Decision Table for Supporting Management Process in Mining Companies
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 587-593, rys., tab., bibliogr. 16 poz.
Górnictwo, Podejmowanie decyzji
Mining sector, Decision making
streszcz., summ.
The article presents a proposal of use a decision table to support the decision-making process in scope of maintenance management in mining companies. In particular, it refers to decisions related to evaluation and improvement of mining machinery use in the mining production process. The article presents the theoretical foundations of decision tables building and characteristics of the most important stages of creating this table. This whole process was tried to refer specifically the mining industry. For this reason, during construction of the decision tables, the results of research on the effectiveness of the selected mining machines were used. The conducted research provided a lot of data, information and knowledge on the work of the particular mining machines, especially regarding the number and reasons for unplanned breaks during the machines' work. The developed decision table will consist of conditions, rules and actions whose purpose is to define the recommendations for the particular groups of participants in the mining production process. The obtained results will form the basis for the development of the recommendations and proposals of actions to improve the level of use of mining machines. The authors focused mainly on the practical use of tables to support the decisionmaking process regarding maintenance and improvement of effectiveness of mining machines. The obtained results confirm the validity of the adopted assumptions. Decision tables can become an important tool that supports the decision-making process within mining companies. (original abstract)
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