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Stasiak-Betlejewska Renata (Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland), Parv Luminita (Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania), Gliń Wojciech (Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland)
The Influence of Industry 4.0 On The Enterprise Competitiveness
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 641-648, tab., bibliogr. 18 poz.
Przemysł 4.0, Konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstwa, Przedsiębiorstwo produkcyjne
Industry 4.0, Enterprise competitiveness, Production enterprise
streszcz., summ.
Contemporary enterprises are focused on the following dynamic economic, social and technical changes on the market having a big influence on the consumers and producers. Enterprises development is linked with continuous improvement of the entire organization what result in the shaping production organization. Paper presents research results on the effects of an Industry 4.0 implementing within creating Polish enterprise competiveness. (original abstract)
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