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Lis Teresa (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Nowacki Krzysztof (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Łakomy Karolina (Silesian University of Technology, Poland)
Improvement of The Ergonomic Quality of The Work Process
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 703-710, rys., tab., bibliogr. 14 poz.
Ergonomia, Proces produkcji, Pracownicy w przedsiębiorstwie
Ergonomics, Production process, Employees in enterprise
streszcz., summ.
The improvement of production processes is currently one of the key elements of the company's competitiveness. In the pursuit of profit, the rationality of streamlined processes is not always taken into account, i.e. that both process needs and these of employees should be considered. Caring of the comfort of work, of adjusting the workplace to the employee is the main goal of ergonomic activity. On the level of implementation of ergonomic demands depends not only the quality and modernity of the products, but also the ergonomics of the workstation and the production process, forming the basis for better quality and more efficient work. The Improvement of the quality of the ergonomic workplace is possible on the basis of a properly conducted assessment, using a variety of tools. This article presents the evaluation and ergonomic analysis of the work process at four production workplaces, and then indicates the directions of changes. The analysis included elements of physical effort: energy expenditure, static load and traffic monotype. Traditional tools were used, such as OWAS, REBA, and also the use of quality assessment tools (Ishikawa diagram, Pareto-Lorenzo diagram) was proposed in order to suggest solutions to improve the ergonomic quality of the workstations under analysis. (original abstract)
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