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Dałkowski Bogumił T. (Politechnika Wrocławska), Kuchta Dorota (Politechnika Wrocławska)
Klasyczna i zmodyfikowana metoda Earned Value w zarządzaniu projektami
Classical and Modified Earned Value Method in Project Management
Badania Operacyjne i Decyzje, 2001, nr 3-4, s. 35-52, rys., tab., bibliogr. 8 poz.
Operations Research and Decisions
Zarządzanie projektem, Zarządzanie ryzykiem, Koszty, Kontrola kosztów, Metoda wartości wypracowanej
Project management, Risk management, Costs, Cost control, Earned Value Method (EVM)
streszcz., summ.
Przedstawiono metodę wartości uzyskanej, szeroko stosowaną w zarządzaniu budżetem przedsięwzięć. Zaproponowano modyfikację metody, zwiększającą jej efektywność. Modyfikacja ta włącza do kontroli budżetu projektu czynnik ryzyka i czasu. (abstrakt oryginalny)

The Earned Value Method, widely used in project budget management, is presented. Both its methodology and its advantages are discussed and justified by a short description of practical experiences. It is pointed out that the main advantage of the method consists in the fact that it is able to alert the decision maker about financial problems of the project long before they do actually occur, so that there is time to solve them. A modification of the method is suggested which makes this advantage of the method considerably more important. It does so thanks to combining the method to another aspect of project management, i.e. to the risk management, and thanks to taking into account other project cost types than it is usually done. These cost types occur earlier than the usual cost types and can be a rich source of information about dangers that can be expected by the decision maker. (original abstract)
The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
  1. AFITEP (Commission Estimation), Estimation des coûts d'un projet industriel, AFNOR, Paryż 1995.
  2. AVOINE B.E., La pratique des coûts dans les projets industriels, AFNOR, Paryż 1998.
  3. DAŁKOWSKI B.T., KUCHTA D., Szacowanie i kontrola kosztów w projektach, Monitor Rachunkowości i Finansów, nr 10(22), 2000, s. 58-65.
  4. EVMS - Earned Value Management Systems, NSIA Management Systems Subcommitee, 1997.
  5. FLEMING Q.W., HOPPELMAN J.M., EARNED VALUE Project Management, Project Management Institute, 1996.
  6. JOLY M., LE BISSONNAIS J., MULLER J.-L., Maîtrisez le coût de vos projets, AFNOR, Paryż 1995.
  7. PMBOK - A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge, Project Management Institute, 1996, updated 2000.
  8. PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures, Exposure Draft Version, Project Management Institute, 2000.
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