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Ejdys Joanna (Bialystok University of Technology, Poland)
Trust in Technology in Case of Humanoids Used for The Care for The Senior Persons
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, vol. 1, s. 875-881, tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Robotyzacja, Postęp technologiczny, Ludzie starsi, Ocena technologii, Zaufanie
Robotization, Technological progress, Elderly people, Technology assessment, Trust
streszcz., summ.
The dynamics of demographic changes manifested in the processes of an ageing population affect Poland. In response to the situation, gerontechnology is emerging as an interdisciplinary field of scientific research in which technology is directed towards the aspirations and opportunities of the older persons. One of the examples of technologies that will be able to support the ageing population in the future are humanoids, that is, robots resembling a human being and equipped with artificial intelligence. The purpose of this article was to examine relationships between trust in the use of humanoids to care for the older people, the usefulness of technology, the ease of use, perceived threats, general trust and trust in science and technology. A survey method was used to collect data for research. The electronic questionnaire survey was disseminated among members of the Polish society. 643 filled questionnaires were received. (original abstract)
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