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Harris Michelle Renee (Sam Houston State University, USA), Hynes James W. (Sam Houston State University, USA)
Study Abroad and College Students of the African Diaspora : Attitudes, Access and Barriers
Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2019, vol. 3, nr 2, s. 11-27, bibliogr. 33 poz.
Studenci, Szkolnictwo wyższe, Edukacja
Students, Higher education, Education
This qualitative study examined the attitudes, preferences, and barriers to participation experienced by African American students attempting to participate in study abroad programs. A literature review indicates that African American students are grossly underrepresented in global education opportunities when compared with their overall enrollment numbers. Study abroad has been named as a valuable (both personally and academically) enriching experience granting competitive edges in postgraduate and professional endeavors in a globalized world. Twenty participants from purposively selected universities across the United States participated in a shortanswer survey of either twelve or seven questions, depending on if they participated in a study abroad program or not. The results suggest that fi nances, institutional factors, and individual differences are signifi cant factors in determining if an African American student will study abroad. Future studies tracking Black students' active intent to study abroad, as well as those that do study abroad, can provide more insight to universities as they attempt to increase this group of students' participations. (original abstract)
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URI / DOI .15290/eejtr.2019.03.02.01
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