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Mróz Katarzyna (Lazarski University in Warsaw, Faculty of Law, Poland)
The Standards of Imprisonment in Penitentiary Isolation for People with Disabilities
Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2019, vol. 3, nr 2, s. 57-72, bibliogr. 55 poz.
Osoby niepełnosprawne, Więziennictwo, Wolność
Disabled people, Prison system, Freedom
In the Polish penitentiary reality, people with disabilities still face problems with organising prison sentences in prisons. The need to ensure a proper and coherent system, taking into account the needs of people with various dysfunctions, is a challenge for states and societies. The detention of people with disabilities is a contribution to the discussion on effective methods and effective instruments of social policy implemented by the state, enabling the process of social rehabilitation and reintegration. This paper contains a refl ection on the relationship between the European Prison Rules and the Polish law regulating the execution of imprisonment and penitentiary practice. (original abstract)
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