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Yuan Yanyue (NYU Shanghai, China), Hargis Jace (NYU Shanghai, China)
Measuring Instructor Self -Efficacy when Migrating Face-to-Face Courses Online
Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2020, vol. 4, nr 1, s. 97-113, rys., tab., bibliogr. 27 poz.
Samoocena, Nauczanie, Zdalne nauczanie, Metody nauczania, Motywacja do nauki
Self-esteem, Teaching, e-learning, Teaching method, Motivation to learn
This study measures instructors' online teaching self -effi cacy with an aim to capture their immediate and initial perception of migrating their teaching online and identify potential instructional needs and support. The authors sent a survey to all instructors in our institution four days prior to the first day of classes in spring 2020 and received 73 responses (60% response rate). The number of years of experience with online tools was low (88%). Instructors reported high confidence in their ability to teach online (82%); realization of the effort to create quality online experiences (90%); belief that teaching online would be different (90%); recognition of having to modify their assessment (77%); ability of adjusting teaching effi ciently with unexpected events (82%); knowledge of where to seek teaching and technology guidance (86% & 89%); and confi dence in developing a similar rapport with students (71%). Respondents were split in their beliefs about offering similar active learning opportunities. This study supplements research on instructors' perception of online teaching as a well -planned and intentional event, offering implications over the immediate and long -term support to be offered to instructors regarding migrating courses online both in times of crisis and when such opportunities arise. (original abstract)
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