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Kubas Sebastian (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
Czeska i węgierska prawica: ODS i Fidesz w rodzimych systemach partyjnych. Próba analizy jakościowej i ilościowej
Czech and Hungarian Right: ODS and Fidesz in the Party Systems. An Attempt of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis, 2015, T. 15, s. 68-97
Partie polityczne
Political parties
Republika Czeska, Węgry
Czech Republic, Hungary
The analysis of article touches the strength and position that characterize the dominant rightist parties in the Czech Republic (ODS) and Hungary (Fidesz). There are three parts in the narrative structure of the article. The first one is connected with qualitative side of the process of birth, development and contemporary situation of ODS and Fidesz. The second one refers the two parties to their native systems of parties. The third one takes quantitative analysis of the two parties' influence on public life: index of party participation in governments, index of governmental responsibility of a party and index of electoral support measured during parliamentary elections (takes into account a position of a party inside a family of conservative and Christian-democratic parties as well). The role of ODS and Fidesz in the party systems of the Czech Republic and Hungary comes from the party strategic behaviour and programs and from the surrounding environment (other parties, institutions etc.). These factors are complementary and influence high position of Fidesz and low of ODS nowadays.(original abstract)
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