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Intercultural Communication Through Drama in the Language Classroom - Teachers' erspective
Komunikacja międzykulturowa przez medium dramy w procesie nauczania języka obcego z perspektywy nauczyciela
Chowanna, 2013, T. 2(41), s. 313-323, bibliogr. 20 poz.
Issue title
Nauczyciel we współczesnej kulturze
Komunikowanie międzykulturowe, Nauczanie języków obcych
Intercultural communication, Foreign language teaching
W artykule podjęto zagadnienie rozwijania świadomości oraz potrzeby stymulowania wiedzy i umiejętności z zakresu komunikacji interkulturowej u nauczycieli języków obcych. Język i kultura są z sobą nierozerwalnie związane i stanowią podstawę rozwoju kompetencji komunikacyjnej. Artykuł opisuje krótki, 40-godzinny projekt skierowany do nauczycieli języków obcych mający na celu rozwój świadomości międzykulturowej, umiejętności oraz postaw poprzez działania dramowe i teatralne(abstrakt oryginalny)

The call to integrate intercultural knowledge and competence into the heart of education is an imperative born of seeing ourselves as members of a world community, knowing that we share the future with others. Intercultural communication is one of the key 21st-centuary competence we need to develop in our society. Learning a foreign language is an intricate process involving not only mastering an object of academic study, but more appropriately focused on learning a means of communication, acquiring the new languages of the body, behaviour and understanding of culture customs. Language is a product of the thought and behaviour of a society. Effectiveness in a foreign language is directly related to understanding of the culture of that language (Taylor, 1979). Communication in its deep conceptualization in the real and given situations is never out of context - and because culture is a part of context, communication is seldom culture-free. It is today widely underlined that language learning and learning about target cultures cannot realistically be separated (K ramsch, 1993; Va ldes, 1986). The interdependence of language learning and culture learning is so evident that we may even say that language learning is culture learning and consequently the language teaching is culture teaching. Foreign language teachers should be aware of the place of cultural studies within foreign teaching and try to enhance and stimulate students' culture awareness and improve their intercultural communication competence. Drama and theatre are very much culture-rooted and seem to be the best remedy for language teachers.(fragment of text)
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
Full text
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