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Deptuła Maria
Edukacja rodziców jako sposób zapobiegania wykluczaniu dziecka ze środowiska rówieśników
Educating Parents as a Way to Prevent Exclusion of a Child from the Peer Environment
Chowanna, 2012, T. 1(38), s. 193-205, bibliogr. 26 poz.
Issue title
Edukacja a marginalizacja i wykluczenie społeczne
Edukacja, Rodzicielstwo, Dzieci, Wykluczenie społeczne
Education, Parenthood, Children, Social exclusion
W tym artykule zostaną przedstawione przykłady wczesnej profilaktyki polegającej na edukowaniu rodziców z grupy ryzyka wystąpienia zaburzeń w rozwoju psychospołecznym dziecka wtedy, gdy ich dzieci znajdują się w okresie wczesnego dzieciństwa.(fragment tekstu)

The term "exclusion" reflects properly the situation of children who are not accepted by their peers. This category of children includes children whose peers don't allow them to play important roles or take up tasks in the group and openly show antipathy towards them. Also children who experience indifference from the group and are neglected in plays and other forms of team activity of the group belong to this category. The most common reason for exclusion of children is their incorrect functioning in relations with other people. The primary cause of which is the improper care and education in the family. This article gives a short characteristic of excluded children and describes examples of early prevention targeting parents whose children are in early childhood. The aim of this prevention is to educate parents belonging to the risk group, that is these parents who might have or have serious problems in fulfilling the parental role.(original abstract)
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
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