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Bednarz Daria (Politechnika Opolska), Tomczak-Horyń Kamila (Politechnika Opolska)
Badanie kultury proinnowacyjnej na wybranym przykładzie
Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem / Polskie Towarzystwo Zarządzania Produkcją, 2021, vol. 24, nr 3-4, s. 2-7, rys., bibliogr. 12 poz.
Enterprise Management
Innowacje, Kreatywność, Organizacja
Innovations, Creativity, Organisation
The article deals with research on pro-innovation culture on a selected example. The analysis was based on the Copacking Department in a food industry company. In order to do the research, factors that influence the creation of a pro-innovative corporate culture and the essence of an approach focused on innovation were indicated. A survey of individual climate perception of the workplace was conducted on a group of 20 line employees of the Copacking Department. The developed questionnaire contained closed questions about the selfassessment of the employee and his team, development, motivation and attitude of superiors. Analysis of individual elements of the organization and the results of the survey allowed to identify areas that positively affect the functioning of a pro-innovative culture in the enterprise. Factors that require further research and improvement are also indicated. Proposals for corrective action that could support the development of these elements were presented.(original abstract)
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