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Bigosova Eleonóra (University of Zilina, Slovakia), Dulina Luboslav (University of Zilina, Slovakia), Barbusova Miroslava (University of Zilina, Slovakia), Plinta Dariusz (University of Bielsko-Biała, Poland), Strnad David (Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia)
Influence of work and working conditions on the spinal diseases
Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem / Polskie Towarzystwo Zarządzania Produkcją, 2021, vol. 24, nr 3-4, s. 8-13, rys., tab., bibliogr. 14 poz.
Enterprise Management
Ergonomia, Warunki pracy, Przestrzeń pracy
Ergonomics, Working condition, Workspace
Musculoskeletal disorders are the most common work-related health problem in Europe. They affect the health of individual employees and increase the financial and social spending of European companies and countries. From a biomechanical point of view, the spine is the most stressed part of the human body. Back pain is one of the most common diseases of civilization. Excessive loading of this part of the body in the work process can lead to the emergence of serious diseases. The article provides an overview of the course of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in Slovakia. It also describes the available methods for assessing the load on the spine, as the most stressed part of the body, of employees in industrial enterprises. (original abstract)
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