- Author
- Staszkiewicz Marzena (AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie)
- Title
- Kompetencje osobiste i społeczne HR biznes partnera
Personal and Social HR Business Partner Competences - Source
- Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi, 2021, nr 5 (142), s. 43-62, rys., tab., bibliogr. 25 poz.
Human Resource Management - Keyword
- HR biznes partnera (HRBP), Kompetencje, Kompetencje społeczne, Model kompetencji, Wyniki badań
HR Business Partner, Competences, Social competences, Competence model, Research results - Note
- JEL Classification: J24, M54
streszcz., summ. - Abstract
- Artykuł został poświęcony problematyce kompetencji HR biznes partnera (HRBP) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych osobistych i społecznych. W części teoretycznej opisano wymagania stawiane HR biznes partnerom w kontekście definiowanych dla nich ról i zadań. Zaprezentowano również istotne znaczenie kompetencji osobistych i społecznych w sprawowaniu funkcji HR biznes partnera w organizacji, przywołując proponowane w literaturze przedmiotu opracowane na ten temat modele. W części empirycznej opisano badania 60 HR biznes partnerów dotyczące diagnozy ich kompetencji osobistych i społecznych. Analizy miały również na celu określenie związku pomiędzy poziomem omawianych kompetencji HRBP a takimi zmiennymi, jak wiek i wykształcenie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Multidimensionality, rapid changes, and the complicated nature of numerous processes taking place in contemporary organizations as well as their environment have become a challenge to the structures responsible for human resource management. This is primarily noticeable in the move away from bureaucratic human resource management in favor of process and strategic solutions. This means that when it comes to human resources, the HR Business Partners selected in organizations are responsible for implementing the company's business strategy with increasing frequency.
Due to the quick pace of changes and the complexity of the problems faced by HR Business Partners, it is crucial to focus on the special importance of these competences. They determine effective operation in various professional contexts and allow full use of professional experience and potential. Moreover, they also enable the achieving of goals in relationships with other people. These competences are defined as personal and social competences. They include dealing with stress, empathy, presentation skills, communication skills, and building relations. The article describes the issues of Business Partner HR competences with particular emphasis on personal and social competences. The theoretical part defines issues of requirements for HR Business Partners, describing them in the context of their roles, functions, and tasks. The article also presents the role of personal and social competences in the performance of the HR Business Partner function in the organization, making reference to the models of HR Business Partner competences proposed in the literature.
The empirical part presents research on the diagnosis of personal and social competences among HR Business Partners. The research on the psychological and social competences of HR Business Partners shown in the article is an attempt at exploring their importance to the work of people who play such roles in organizations. The analyses also involve determining the relationship between the level of the presented competences among the respondents and such variables as age and education. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
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- Cited by
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- pol
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