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Stawasz Edward (University of Lodz, Poland)
Business Knowledge Absorptive Capacity in Micro and Small Innovative Enterprises
Optimum : Economic Studies, 2021, nr 2(104), s. 3-14, tab., wykr., bibliogr. s. 12-14
Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, Wiedza, Doradztwo w biznesie
Small business, Knowledge, Business consulting
JEL Classification: D25, L25
Purpose - The aim of the presented article is to assess the impact of the capacity to absorb business advice on the improvement of business knowledge, and indirectly, on raising the level of strategic and operational management in micro and small innovative enterprises using business advice services. Research method - A review of the literature on examining the specificity of knowledge and management development in enterprises, the role of business advice and the capacity to absorb knowledge in this process. The second part of the article presents the results of the empirical research carried out using the CATI technique on a sample of 400 micro and small innovative Polish enterprises using business advice services. Results - The use of business advice services and the level of knowledge absorptive capacity increase the level of business knowledge of managers. The capacity to absorb knowledge positively moderates the impact of business advice on the level of business knowledge of managers, and, consequently, on the level of strategic and operational management. Originality / value - The research confirms the influence of the capacity to absorb knowledge on the level of knowledge of managers. Improving the level of knowledge and business management requires the use of business advice as well as the capacity to absorb knowledge. (original abstract)
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
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