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Gavazzi Paolo (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland), Dobrucka Renata (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland), Przekop Robert (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
Current Trends in the German Packaging Industry
LogForum, 2022, vol. 18, nr 1, s. 27-32, bibliogr. 24 poz.
Opakowania, Ekologia opakowań, Produkcja opakowań, Ekologia
Packaging, Ecological packaging, Production of packaging, Ecology
Background: Germany is the largest plastic consumer in Europe. On average some 400g of plastics are used by its citizens. Despite promoting circular economy (CE) systems almost 60% of plastics are burned, recovering the thermal energy, however leaving an additional CO2-Footprint. This increased emission does not only negatively contribute to climate change but also translates to poor sustainability metrics, lacking behind industry trends. The objective of this article is to review and provide an overview of the current trends of the German packaging industry with a focus on sustainability. This is important to understand the future opportunities and risks concerning the industries' economic development. Methods: This review article is based on a primary literature review of key authors within the respective field. As an additional criterion, only articles published not before 2013 have been included. Result: The German packaging industry is experiencing decreasing production rates and prices between 2018 and 2021. While general trends are shifting towards sustainability and responsible consumption, the majority of plastics are used for energy recovery. Following that the German packaging industry is driven by three key trends, (i) Packaging Materials, (ii) Packaging Design and (iii) Smart Packaging. Improving sustainability can be identified as the leading driver in all the mentioned trends. The industry is rapidly shifting towards circular systems giving high importance to social value and well-being. Conclusion: This study analyses and contributes to our understanding of the German packaging industry. It provides a deeper insight into the current market, its challenges and discusses overall key trends. (original abstract)
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