- Author
- Antoniszyn Grzegorz (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland)
- Title
- Historic Railway Spans Modernization with the Use of Modern Slab Track Surfaces, on the Example of the Wroclaw Główny - Wroclaw Main Railway Station Reconstruction
- Source
- Logistics and Transport, 2017, vol. 34, s. 47-56, fot., rys., bibliogr. 14 poz.
- Keyword
- Modernizacja kolei, Dworzec kolejowy, Infrastruktura techniczna kolei, Kolejnictwo
Modernization of railway, Railway station, Railway technical infrastructure, Railways - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Wrocław
Wroclaw - Abstract
- Modernization or revitalization of a railway line involves the necessity of reconstruction or renovation of practically all the engineering objects and constructions on its premises. While, in the case of objects, not protected by the Historic Preservation Maintenance of City-Owned Buildings, the situation is relatively easy, in the case of historical buildings, the scope of possible construction works can be significantly reduced. On the example of the modernization of the Wrocław Główny railway station track system, the use of modern slab track is presented, whose aim is to obtain the required performance parameters of the engineering structures (old boreholes) located in its area. The non-skid surfaces used are ERS - rails in the cover and block rails of the EBS type. The use of pavement-free pavements allowed the historic bays to be preserved. Their main girders are made of riveted baffles, without interfering with their historical material. The presented solutions can also be used for the modernization of different types of engineering objects and construction, not necessarily recorded in the register or records of historical monuments - for example, in riveted constructions of those of or unique shape, located on lower category railway lines. It gives opportunity to preserve and continue to use old objects, exposing their beauty and technology, currently not used (for example riveting).(original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1734-2015
- Language
- eng