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Rank Susanne (University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Germany), Palframan Jason (Technological University of the Shannon Midlands Midwest, Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland)
Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Preferences of Young Job Seekers with Regard to Sustainable HRM : Are These CSR Preferences Related to Their Personal Value Orientations?
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2021, vol. 13, nr 4, s. 34-62, tab., bibliogr. 86 poz.
Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu, Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Human Resources Management (HRM)
JEL Classification: M12, M14, M50, J17
Objectives: In order to increase corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities with organizations, the support of employees in times of climate change is crucial: employees with CSR awareness of sustainability and their subsequent extra-role work behavior are an asset to an organization. Sustainable HRM promotes sustainable employee behavior. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between personal values orientations and internal CSR preferences which increase subsequent sustainable employee behavior fostered by sustainable HRM practices. Specifically, our central research question here examines the extent to which personal value orientations predicts internal CSR preferences towards sustainable employee behavior. In this paper, we look at this issue from the perspective of young, highly qualified job seekers who have to face issues of sustainability.
Methodology: We conducted an integrative literature review of empirical studies on internal CSR and sustainable HRM. In addition, we reviewed the application and relationship of Schwartz's personal values framework and employees' internal CSR preferences.
Findings: The findings conclude that the relationship between personal value orientations of employees and their preferences in the focus of the company's internal CSR is heterogeneous, as positive vs. negative paths between personal values and internal CSR preferences were identified. Further, different scales for internal CSR dimensions were applied.
Value Added: Based on previous studies we develop an integrative internal CSR framework (with employee vs. organizational dimensions) that could be applied in organizations to measure their internal CSR maturity level and be supported by the specific, sustainable HRM practices discussed.
In addition, we dealt with the question of how the connection between the personal value orientations of potential candidates or employees and their internal CSR preferences can be proven in field research.
Recommendations: Based on recent heterogeneous study results, we identify five research gaps and propose research design ideas for future research. Practical implications are also discussed. (original abstract)
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