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Prasetyo Ketut (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia)
Flash Flood Disaster Mitigation Through Environmental Education
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 2022, nr 16/4, s. 119-134, rys., tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Klęski żywiołowe, Powódź, Edukacja ekologiczna, Ryzyko klęsk żywiołowych, Region klęski ekologicznej
Natural disaster, Flood, Ecology education, Risk of natural disasters, Region of ecological disaster
Flash flood disasters often hit many areas in Indonesia and can generate vari-ous losses. These conditions are exacerbated by people's low knowledge and interest in their environment. Therefore, if people's environmental education increases, especially their flood disaster mitigation knowledge, they can be prepared and better protect themselves from such disasters. People's environ-mental education must start from determining the reason of the flood disaster in their environment to discovering how to avoid the disaster. This research design is a one-group post-test design. The collected data in this research is a written test result about knowledge in flash flood disaster mitigation materi-als as an implementation in environmental education in the community. The research data results were analyzed by means of simple regression, logistics regression, and correlation. Based on this research, environmental education with disaster mitigation materials has a high understanding level. In the dis-aster step, the highest understanding is before it happens. The correlation be-tween educational strata and gender on environmental education and disaster mitigation materials is low. Finally, the role of women in disaster mitigation needs to improve because they have a higher understanding than males of dis-aster mitigation materials.(original abstract)
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