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Boratyńska Agata (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland)
Robust Bayesian Insurance Premium in a Collective Risk Model with Distorted Priors under the Generalised Bregman Loss
Statistics in Transition, 2021, vol. 22, nr 3, s. 123-140, tab., wykr., bibliogr. 25 poz.
Składki ubezpieczeniowe, Ryzyko, Roszczenia
Insurance premium, Risk, Claims
The article presents a collective risk model for the insurance claims. The objective is to estimate a premium, which is defined as a functional specified up to unknown parameters. For this purpose, the Bayesian methodology, which combines the prior knowledge about certain unknown parameters with the knowledge in the form of a random sample, has been adopted. The generalised Bregman loss function is considered. In effect, the results can be applied to numerous loss functions, including the square-error, LINEX, weighted square-error, Brown, entropy loss. Some uncertainty about a prior is assumed by a distorted band class of priors. The range of collective and Bayes premiums is calculated and posterior regret Γ-minimax premium as a robust procedure has been implemented. Two examples are provided to illustrate the issues considered - the first one with an unknown parameter of the Poisson distribution, and the second one with unknown parameters of distributions of the number and severity of claims.(original abstract)
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