- Author
- Sobieraj Iwona (University of Opole)
- Title
- Evaluating Citizen Science Projects
- Source
- Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 2022, z. 165, s. 359-370, bibliogr. 18 poz.
- Keyword
- Ocena projektu, Otwarty dostęp, Transfer wiedzy
Project evaluation, Open access, Knowledge transfer - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Purpose: For several years, the trend of open science and citizen science as one of its pillars has been developing rapidly in Poland. More and more research projects involving volunteer non-scientists are being carried out as part of citizen science. To know the scientific, educational and social value of these activities requires relying on the evaluation of these projects, which, however, is missing due to their novelty and difference from conventional science or commercial research. The purpose of this article is to propose evaluation criteria and methods that will meet the specifics and needs of citizen science projects. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on a critical analysis of the literature on the subject, as well as a systematic review of selected examples of completed citizen science projects - available on dedicated websites created by citizen science associations and other social and scientific organizations. Citizen science, as part of open science, is a relatively new and developing approach to scientific and educational activities. Evaluation research, on the other hand, is a method well-established in theory and put into practice for valuing results and enhancing the quality of projects, both of scientific and social character. Findings: Citizen science projects require the implementation of evaluation models that take into account both the diversity of goals set for these projects, as well as the diversity and participatory nature of its stakeholders, and the study in terms of social impact. A higher level of involvement of volunteers in an ongoing citizen science project should presuppose the implementation of continuous evaluation and carried out in multiple areas of the project (organizational, scientific, social) to ensure the reliability and credibility of the results obtained, as well as to understand the mechanisms of their impact on volunteers and society. Practical implications: The knowledge provided in the article can be used in planning and managing the evaluation of citizen science projects. Social implications: Implementation of evaluation as a permanent practice in this type of projects can contribute to improving their quality, better management of public funds allocated to them, and greater public confidence in the knowledge produced within their framework. Originality/value: The issue of evaluation in citizen science projects is relatively new, and appropriate evaluation models have not yet been developed. It is of interest to researchers and project managers, decision makers of public funds, scientists and the general public.(original abstract)
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- Cited by
- 1641-3466
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.29119/1641-3466.2022.165.25