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Baran Katarzyna (Cracow University of Economics), Mazur Stanisław (Cracow University of Economics), Prokopowicz Piotr (Jagiellonian University)
Using the Multidimensional Leadership Questionnaire to Analyse the Relationships Between Urban Leadership and the Attributes of Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Journal of Public Governance, 2022, nr 2 (60), s. 5-20, tab., rys., bibliogr. 60 poz.
Przywództwo, Lider w organizacji, Wskaźniki efektywności
Leadership, Leader in the organization, Effectiveness ratios
JEL Classification: H1, H4, H7
Objectives: To analyse the relationships between urban leadership and the attributes of transactional leadership and transformational leadership.
Research Design & Methods: The analysis was performed using the Multidimensional Leadership Questionnaire from 6th December, 2020, to 7th June, 2021. The surveyed sample comprised mayors of Polish cities, their deputies, and city secretaries (surveyed population: 111; sample size: 48).
Findings: The findings demonstrate a significant link between the leadership behaviours of the mayors and more objective urban performance indicators as perceived by their direct subordinates. Focusing development efforts and activities on those behaviours that most strongly correlate with a wide range of performance indicators, such as idealised influence or contingent reward, may translate into an improved effectiveness of urban authorities. The study also emphasises the importance of maintaining a balance between a variety of leadership styles.
Implications / Recommendations: Building theoretical models to explore the issue of urban leadership will be critical for future research on urban leadership. Equally essential will be the expanded use of psychometric indicators in the context of meta-analyses and theoretical models revealing the links that exist between leader behaviour and various performance metrics.
Contribution / Value Added: The article's added value is in providing evidence that multifaceted leadership, based on transactional and transformational leadership traits, is required to ensure the quality of management of complex and dynamic systems, such as large cities. (original abstract)
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