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El Ahmadi Salah Eddine Ayoub (Ibn Tofail University, Morocco), El Abbadi Laila (Ibn Tofail University, Morocco), Elrhanimi Samah (Ibn Tofail University, Morocco)
Efficiency Improvement of Automotive Assembly Lines Using Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem Type-E
LogForum, 2023, vol. 19, nr 2, s. 183-193, rys., tab., bibliogr. 28 poz.
Przemysł motoryzacyjny, Linia produkcyjna, Efektywność produkcji, Studium przypadku
Automotive industry, Production line, Production effectiveness, Case study
Background: An assembly line is a technique used in mass production industries, especially in the automotive industry; it consists of many workstations organized along a conveyor belt system or other material handling equipment. The assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) involves assigning assembly tasks to workstations on the line while meeting optimization goals. It is considered a critical issue in operations management because it directly affects the productivity of the entire manufacturing system. Methods: Based on the mathematical model previously developed by (Esmaeilbeigi, Naderi, and Charkhgard 2015) for the E-type SALBP problem, we proposed a new model adaptable to the automotive sector. The proposed model uses new feasibility rules and optimizes constraints in order to propose better balancing results and efficiency. Results: A computational experiment is presented in this article, using the newly developed model to balance an assembly line in an automotive manufacturing plant consisting of 5 workstations. Conclusions: The experimental results show that the proposed model improved the line efficiency by 15%, which proves that the proposed method has good robustness. (original abstract)
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