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Hrynchak Nataliia (National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Kyiv, Ukraine), Yatsenko Olha (Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine), Bulatova Olena (Mariupol State University, Ukraine), Ptashchenko Olena (Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine)
Problems Realating to the Statistical Research of the National Market of Logistics Services in War Conditions
Statistics in Transition, 2023, vol. 24, nr 1 Special Issue, s. 13-28, rys., tab., wykr., bibliogr. 17 poz.
Usługi logistyczne, Przewozy towarowe, Domy składowe, Statystyka
Logistic services, Cargo transportation, Public warehouse, Statistics
The article discusses the theoretical principles of statistical research with regard to the national market of logistics services during wartime. The system of statistical indicators of the research of the logistics services market is structured through the allocation of separate blocks of indicators by priority of their estimation in war conditions. The market of logistics services of Ukraine is characterised by selected blocks of indicators. The paper identifies the main structural changes that occurred due to the hostilities faced by the country. Moreover, the authors determine the main factors influencing the functioning of the analysed market during war, as the statistical study of these factors is considered necessary for the transformation and development of logistics services. It is substantiated that taking into account such statistical indicators as the level and availability of logistics infrastructure, security, the human factor and changes in legislation are likely to result in a new alternative direction of logistics routes and contribute to the development of the logistics services market in general. The authors proposed the construction of a centralised electronic service (or several services) with the purpose of consolidating information about the logistics infrastructure. The software system should offer the option of an operational interactive visualisation. (original abstract)
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