- Author
- Mrozowicki Adam (University of Wrocław), Pilch Szymon (University of Wrocław)
- Title
- Job Quality and Workers' Power in Logistics in the Context of the COVID-19 (post) Pandemic Crisis in Poland
- Source
- Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 2021, vol. 12, nr 1(23), s. 7-43, tab., bibliogr. 81 poz.
- Keyword
- COVID-19, Jakość pracy, Rynek pracy, Logistyka, Kryzys społeczno-gospodarczy, Zachowania pracownika, Pracownicy w przedsiębiorstwie
COVID-19, Quality of work, Labour market, Logistics, Socio-economic crisis, Employee behaviours, Employees in enterprise - Note
- summ. JEL: J21, J22, J28, J31, J52, J81, L81,L87, L90
- Abstract
- The paper explores the selected aspects of job quality (remuneration, working time/work pressure, collective interest representation) in the logistic industry in the context of the COVID-19 health and socio-economic crisis. It draws from the literature review, secondary data and expert interviews with trade union and employer organisations representatives carried out within the COV-WORK project funded by National Science Centre in Poland. The research adopts the power resources approach to explore the relevance of market, institutional, organisational and societal aspects of workers' collective resources in various sections of logistic services on the changes of their job quality and their collective responses to these changes during pandemic. The analysis is focused on three occupational groups: (1) logistics centres employees, (2) lorry drivers, and (3) parcel-delivery couriers. The analysis suggests that the increase in workers' structural power due to surge in demand on logistic services and their strategic importance during pandemic is insufficient for workers' counter-actions against the deterioration of job quality during pandemic, unless reinforced by collective labour organisations (associational power).(original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
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- 2081-9633
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- eng