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Turečková Kamila (Silesian University in Opava, Czechia), Nevima Jan (Silesian University in Opava, Czechia)
Smart public goods: A smart bench does not necessarily make smart city in the Czech Republic
Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 2023, vol. 7, nr 1, s. 7-20, rys., tab., bibliogr. 37 poz.
Inteligentne miasto, Środowisko miejskie, Społeczeństwo
Smart city, Urban environment, Society
Republika Czeska
Czech Republic
Our paper summarises the results of a study conducted at the turn of 2021 and 2022 on the awareness of the existence of smart benches in the public space of Czech cities and municipalities. Smart benches represent one of a number of smart features that are implemented as part of the practical application of the smart city concept into the real environment of these municipalities. As our research has shown, the experience and awareness of smart public goods, specifically Smart benches, is currently at a rather low level among the public in the Czech Republic. This finding may trigger a discussion on their public justification in the context of their acquisition costs, but also, on the other hand, accentuate the need for their greater promotion.(original abstract)
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