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Tużnik Filip (University of Warsaw)
Linkages in Business-Science Cooperation as a Driving Force of Technological Innovation in the National Economy
Optimum : Economic Studies, 2023, nr 1 (111), s. 123-140, tab., wykr., bibliogr. s. 137-140
Zaufanie, Innowacje, Współpraca uczelni z przedsiębiorstwami, Gospodarka narodowa
Trust, Innovations, University-Business Cooperation (UBC), National economy
JEL Classification: L14; O32
Purpose - The purpose of the article is to analyse the importance of linkages and trust in business-science cooperation. Moreover, the aim is to verify the impact of close business-science relations on the innovativeness of the national economy. Research method - Literature studies, surveys, FGI (Focus Group Interview) Results - The research confirms the high importance of relations and relationship management in the development of business-science cooperation. Companies that assess cooperation with science as valuable and significant to innovation, also indicate a high level of mutual relations and related fluidity in the exchange of knowledge. On the other hand, weak relations and low levels of trust often lead to problems in the implementation of joint projects, and, as a result, in the development of innovation. Originality / value / implications / recommendations - The processes of relationship development and trust-building are as important in business-science cooperation as the carefully conducted technology transfer. Thus, companies and scientific units engaged in mutual cooperation should pay attention to both of these factors. In macroeconomic terms, the level of relations between representatives of business and science affects the number of innovations created by a given economy. As a result, it also determines its innovativeness. (original abstract)
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