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Jurczak Marcin (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland)
Digital Public Transport in New Economy - Contemporary Mobility Trends
Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 2023, vol. 7, nr 2, s. 44-62, fot., bibliogr. 61 poz.
Transport publiczny, Alternatywne źródła energii, Ekonomia współdzielenia, Cyfryzacja
Public transport, Alternative energy sources, Sharing economy, Digitization
Public transport is treated as a nerve of all city systems. Changing cities need proper transport - contemporary trends play important role in the development of public transport in a requiring environment. In particular, the development of public transport means today phenomena such as IT systems, big data, alternative energy sources, autonomous mobility, transport effectiveness, sharing economy and personal mobility (micromobility). Author presents contemporary trends that affect cities mobility. The macroeconomic context was also taken into account - the COVID-19 pandemia, inflation, migration trends. Changes in the demand and supply of transport services have become one of the challenges for cities in the new, digital, post-pandemic perspective. The purpose of this article is to review current trends in public transport development and mobility changes. The article is an attempt to answer the questions: what is the impact of digitization and technology development on the development of public transport? How are contemporary social, economic and political problems and are they strongly changing public transport? Article is based at critical analysis of literature and selected case studies. The result of research work is the indication of the most important directions for the development of public transport and the related risks and opportunities.(original abstract)
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