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Wodnicka Monika (University of Lodz), Szukalski Stanisław M. (University of Lodz)
Investments in the Industrial and Logistics Real Estate Sector in Poland Compared to the CEE Countries
Optimum : Economic Studies, 2023, nr 3 (113), s. 116-136, tab., bibliogr. s. 135-136
Lokalizacja inwestycji, Nieruchomości niemieszkaniowe, Rozwój
Investment location, Non-housing real estate, Development
JEL Classification: F210, R33, E22
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Central and Eastern Europe
Purpose - The aim of this article is to assess Poland's position and its potential in the light of investments undertaken in the industrial and logistic real estate sector of the Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) as well as to identify the changes contributing to changes within the nature of such investments. Having considered the categories of facilities, supply and demand, also investment capitalization rates and the value of rents the given sector has been subjected to a thorough analysis. Research method - The goal was achieved using quantitative secondary data, also the primary research was conducted among managers using the IDI method. The study was concerned with the trends of changes in the nature of investments in the sector in question in the CEE region in the context of nearshoring, shortening of value chains, and the pandemic. Results - Some mechanisms and determinants, which have been declared important until recently, are insufficient to explain the currently selected options for investments location. The growing popularity of, e.g., q-commerce and the need to provide recipients with the shortest possible delivery time requires the improvement of the supply chain and logistics networks, which is associated with warehouse investments closer to the customer's location. Originality /value /implications /recommendations - The study concerns an important aspect of investment in service infrastructure. Despite the fact that the Polish commercial real estate market is very popular with foreign investors, mainly from China, the question arises how long Poland will remain the leader in Central and Eastern Europe, taking into account the differences in the capitalization rate or the level of rents in the selected countries. (original abstract)
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