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Flamma Adam Piotr (DSW University of Lower Silesia), Para Piotr (DSW University of Lower Silesia)
Between Market Logic and Sociology: Designing Educational Video Games for Literature Education
Torun Business Review, 2023, nr 22(1), s. 28-46, bibliogr. 52 poz.
Gry dydaktyczne, Gry komputerowe, Rynek, Socjologia, Literatura, Edukacja
Educational games, Computer games, Market, Sociology, Literature, Education
JEL Classification: I20, I21, L10
Drawing from two fundamental aspects of sociology of video games: economic behavior influenced by gaming industry and use of video games in education, this article discusses the socio-economic tensions in designing educational video games, on the example of games designed for literature education. Educational values of games do not exempt them from market logic, therefore educational game designers need to keep up with expectations of not only the market, but also teachers and players. This article aims to bridge the gap between education, market and game design in an ongoing scientific discussion. (original abstract)
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