- Author
- Brahim Addis
- Title
- Zakat's Role in the Islamic Economy
Rola zakatu w polityce finansowej Algierii - Source
- Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu. Finanse i Bankowość (1), 1995, nr 693, s. 215-220
- Keyword
- Finanse państwa, Solidaryzm społeczny, Islam, Polityka finansowa państwa
State finance, Social solidarity, Islam, State financial policy - Country
- Algieria
Algeria - Abstract
- Przedstawiono politykę finansową Algierii. Pojęcie "zakat" jest rozumiane jako specyficzna darowizna bogatych na rzecz biednych w kraju, w którym stosuje się zasady filozofii islamskiej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Islamic fiscal policy is presented. "Zakat" means an obligatory tax on rich Muslims and object of it is to remove the inequality of income and return purchasing power to the poor people. (A.P.) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
- Gambling T., Karim R.A.A.: Business and Accounting Ethics in Islam. Mansell Publishing Limited, England (1991), p. 53.
- Ibn H.: Al-Muhalla (Al-maktab Al-Tijari Li'l Tiba'ah wa an-nashr, Beirut), vol. 8 p. 247.
- Khurshid A.: Studies in Islamic Economics. Jeddah: International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics 1980 p. 78.
- Ziauddin A.: Economic Function of Islamic State. Paper presented at the course of Islamic Economocs; Banking & Finance in the Islamic Foundation. Leicester (England) Nov. 1993.
- Cited by
- 0324-8445
1426-1278 - Language
- eng